Clay's Blog

These are the official blogs about CalemEAM.

Annual PM Part Cost Estimate

     Annual part cost estimate for PMs are available in the coming release of R2025 (February 2025). Menu path: PM | Report | PM Part Cost Estimate by Site (Avg Price). This is the annual PM cost based on site average pricing. Menu path: PM | Report | PM Part Cost Estimate by Store (Avg Price). This is the annual PM cost based on sto...
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Changes to Editing Asset and Location from Work Orders

Editing Asset and Location from work orders will be changed in Calem R2025 planned for February 2025. The changes are made so that editing assets and locations from work orders are only enabled when needs arise. The menu items "Edit Location" and "Edit Asset" will be turned off in R2025 out of the box.Configuratio...
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How to Upload PO Invoices

Invoices for purchase orders can be uploaded from an excel template of PO invoices. PO #, invoice #, invoice dates (invoice date and due date), and costs (item total, tax and freight).The excel template is cm_po_invoice.PO-Invoices.xls.The template is a quick way for invoice entry for the following screen:  Additional Resources How to Cre...
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Enabling Inventory Stores to Receive Transfer-In Items

Inventory stores can be configured to receive transfer-in items in the coming release of Calem R2025. For instance, transfer-in items should be received to general stores, not project or repaired stores.This is done by setting the category set of Transfer-In stores (screenshot below).Category sets of inventory stores can be managed in Admin | ...
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Improving Incident Reporting Efficiency - Incident Class Tree

Incident class tree is introduced in the coming release of Calem R2025 to improve the efficiency of incident management. A incident class code is prompted when reporting an incident.The incident tree is shown for lookup selection of a class code.Each incident class may have its own forms with different information:An injury form includes detailed i...
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Vendor Email with Multiple Email Addresses

A vendor email field may include more than one email addresses in the coming release of Calem R2025. For instance, the email field of vendor ACME includes two email addresses separated by semi-colon ";".  When the vendor is used for a PO, the email address is copied over. Use "Email" to send the PO to the vendor of the PO. Calem...
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When to Use Vendor Memo in POs

Vendor Memo is a new field added in vendors in release R2024g. It will be carried over to a PO when a PO is created and its vendor has a Vendor Memo field populated. Here is a use case for the Vendor Memo field: Populate the field with vendor agreement number.The vendor agreement will be available in POs for this vendor.Customize PO ...
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Tips of Work Orders by Specialty and Department

The KPI of work order count by department in "WO KPI-10" tab of dashboard can be filtered by a specialty set or a specialty code in the coming release of R2024g. The KPI shows work order created across departments.It can be by year and a selective month.It can be filtered by work order category set.It can be further filtered by ...
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A New KPI for Maintenance Cost vs Production

A new KPI is added to analyze maintenance cost and production output in the coming release of R2024g (Jan. 2025). The chart shows the total production (as a line), maintenance cost (as a line), and a unit cost/production (as a bar). The Unit Cost/Production may be used to measure maintenance efficiencies. The new ...
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When to Use Google Translate Plugin with Calem

Google Translate Plugin is developed by Google. It may be used to translate Calem Web Interface to a language other than English. Here's a screenshot of Calem Web Interface in Italian with Google Translate plugin. Field level help is also translated by Google Translate plugin. Calem provides language packs which are pre-translated an...
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A New KPI to Monitor Inventory Transfer

A new KPI is added to monitor inventory transfer in the coming release of R2024g (Jan. 2025). An inventory transfer moves inventory from one site to another. For instance, a spare part is transferred from a plant at Austin, Texas to another plant in Louisiana. The new KPI is at Dashboard | Inventory Tab.Inventory values tra...
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Calem Integration 7: Asset Integration with MQTT

MQTT (message queuing telemetry transport) is a protocol for communication with devices (IoT – internet of things). MQTT integration is available in the coming release of Calem R2024g (Jan. 2025).  Asset meter readings are taken by Calem via MQTT. The readings from MQTT can be viewed at Integration | Open | MQTT Queue 1. MQTT Brokers...
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Explanation of Custom ABC Processes

Standard ABC processes are provided in Calem. They can be used to manage inventory. See this blog for more information.  If the standard processes work for your business requirements, you are all set. A custom ABC process can be a solution if your organization has own criteria in ABC classification.Contact Calem for adding a cus...
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How to Set a Picture in Asset and Work Order

Setting a picture in an asset or work order is made easier in the coming release of Calem R2024g. A picture can be set or updated from the "Attach Photo" at the asset or work order menu.An attached photo may be set as the picture from the attachment list.The attachment list function is also available from Calem Mobile. Additiona...
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A Revisit of Inventory Transfer and Disposal

Inventory transfer was introduced in release R2022a (March 2022). It has gone through updates based on feedbacks from customers. The latest update is available in R2024f (December 2024). The process is more efficient for end users.Barcode scan is integrated for Calem Mobile.One or more items are allowed to be transferred to other sites or...
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Streamlining Work Order Part Planning

An enhancement is made to help maintenance planners streamline part planning for work orders. It is available in the coming R2024f release in December 2024.   Maintenance planners can quickly browse parts for a work order by bill of material for assets, or by asset item.The bill of material can be configured in as...
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Work Order Status Permission Reports

New work order status permission reports are available in the coming release of Calem R2024f planned for December 2024. Work Order status permission can be managed by groups (see this blog). For example, MaintenanceStaff group cannot change a work order to the statuses listed in the screenshot below.Service Request status permission can be man...
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A Note on Asset Deletion in Calem

 In the coming release of Calem R2024f, asset deletion is further restricted by asset status: Asset status must be "Disposed" for an asset to be deleted.  1. Asset Deletion Restriction One can select one or more assets for deletion.  If an asset is referenced by other objects such as work order, it cannot be deleted. If there are no ...
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  717 Hits
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How to Skip a PM Work Order

Work orders are generated from PMs (preventive maintenance jobs) in Calem based on time schedules or meter readings. If a PM work order is no longer needed, there are steps to skip it.  1. Floating PM A PM work order is by a floating schedule, i.e., a PM work order is generated and Calem will not generate the same PM work order until the ...
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On-Demand Spare Parts for PM (Preventive Maintenance)

Preventive maintenance (PM) is performed regularly. Spare parts used in PMs may be ordered on-demand to lower the cost of inventory stock. The first step is to set up a site inventory to manage a spare part. Set up min/max stock levels for a spare part. A minimum stock level may be configured to address breakdowns.Set up auto ordering when sto...
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