Clay's Blog

These are the official blogs about CalemEAM.

Work Orders Requested by My Team

New work orders lists are added in release R2024c to show work orders requested by my teams. The teams are determined by the login user. For instance, a supervisor logs into Calem, use "My Team Requested (Completed)" menu to review completed work orders requested by his team or teams, accept or reject those work orders. 1. My Team Request...
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  124 Hits
124 Hits

WO/SR Notification and Auto-Assignment by Asset Class

Notification and auto-assignment can be enabled by asset classes for work orders (WO) and service requests (SR). For instance, a problem is reported as a service request for a pump, teams responsible for pumps receive email notification about the problem. The new service request may also be auto-assigned to a team for pump maintenanc...
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  325 Hits
325 Hits

A KPI for Maintenance Mix Improvement

This KPI provides the composition of maintenance work in terms of work order categories including preventive, predictive and corrective. It allows an organization to set up a goal of maintenance work mix and measure the outcome. For instance, a composition goal may be over 2/3 work orders for preventive and predictive, and less than ...
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  698 Hits
698 Hits

An Overview of KPIs/Reports for Maintenance Analysis

There are plenty of KPIs and reports/visualization in Calem to answer questions about maintenance operations. For instance, "What is the work order load this month vs past months?", "What are the top assets that consumed the most resources this month?",  "How often are my critical assets failing and how soon the failur...
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  977 Hits
977 Hits

Date and Time in Work Order Timelines

Both date and time will be included in the work order timelines in the coming release of R2024a. The time portion allows better visibility of work order timelines.  1. WO Timeline View The timeline view is accessible from the TaskView or DataView of a work order.  2. Date Only in Timelines The time portion in the timeline views can be tur...
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  1816 Hits
1816 Hits

Surfacing Step Conditions in Work Orders

In the coming release of R2024a (for April 2024) a step condition can be surfaced to work orders based on their priorities. Here's the use case:A tech completing a step may flag the condition for a step to be poor so that supervisors may review and take further actions later.  1. WO Step Condition The condition of a work order step can be...
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  913 Hits
913 Hits

How to Mandate Signatures for Work Order Checklists

Signatures may be mandated when completing work order checklists in the coming release of R2023f. A safety or step may mandate a signature to complete by checking "Signature Reqd?" checkbox.Calem Mobile must be used to complete a safety or step when signatures are required. 1. Mandate Signatures in PM Safety/Steps Signatures may be mandat...
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  1169 Hits
1169 Hits

Selecting Stores for Planned Parts in Work Orders

An optional is available to select stores for planned parts in work orders in the coming release of R2023e. The following screenshot is shown when "Use Item" or "Use All" is selected from "Planned Part" list of a work order (3rd screenshot below). Planned parts not filled will be displayed.Click a row to view stock and select one to use (...
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  1133 Hits
1133 Hits

How to View Part Orders from Work Orders

Part ordered for a work order can be viewed from Planned Part list in the coming release of R2023e. Click "View Order" from Planned Part to view REQ and PO lines ordered for this work order (1st screenshot below).The REQ lines and PO lines are shown in two separate tabs (2nd screenshot below).Click "Open Lines" to show all open orders for...
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  1079 Hits
1079 Hits

Attachment Requirements in PM and Work Orders

Attachment requirements are available in the coming release of Calem R2023c. This feature allows maintenance planners to mandate photos or files be attached to steps or safety in work orders.  For instance, a PM step of mowing the lawn of an  asset site may require photos after completion. An "Attachment...
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  1484 Hits
1484 Hits

How to Use Cleaning (CIP) Schedules

CIP (Cleaning-In-Place) Scheduling is a new feature in the coming release of Calem R2023b. The screenshot below shows work orders in the Open WO list that fall within CIP schedules. A planner may choose to execute some of the work orders within CIP schedules. The CIP feature streamlines work order scheduling based on the CIP time windows. The steps...
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  1512 Hits
1512 Hits

WO Auto-Assignment by Specialty

Work order assignment can be automated based on specialty for productivity. A specialty is a skill code to do a work order such as electrical, mechanical, cleaning, etc.  1. Find the Menu Use the menu tree to search all menu related to specialty below: Menu: Work Order | Codes | Specialty - to define codes for specialty.Menu: Organiz...
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  1215 Hits
1215 Hits

The Timeline View of Work Orders

The timeline view of work orders is available in the coming release of Calem R2023.  It provides a quick overview of a work order. It is available for all themes: dark, mint, and classic (screenshots below). A timeline view includes the following components. A headline of the order number, priority, stat...
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  1313 Hits
1313 Hits

How to Query Meter-Triggered Work Orders

Work orders can be generated by meter readings based on meter triggers in Calem. In the coming release of Calem R2023 saved queries "Meter Triggered" are provided to identify them. You may build your own saved searches by the use of "Meter Triggered" checkbox added in release R2023. Show "Meter Triggered" column in a work order list. The colum...
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  1104 Hits
1104 Hits

Upload Files When Creating Work Orders

In the coming release of Calem R2023 one can upload files at the work order creation screen.  The feature is available to the creation screens of Work Orders, Service Requests, and Changes from web. In Calem Mobile the feature is available for Work Orders and Service Requests.Previously, pictures and files can be uploaded after ...
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  1058 Hits
1058 Hits

A Note of WO Scheduling and Release

1. WO Scheduling Status WO scheduling status is refactored in the coming release of R2022f. It is a colored field in Open WO List. One may use this field to review and schedule/assign work orders. The scheduling status is "Scheduling" in a work order list.The status takes a value of "Fully" (fully scheduled); Partially (partially scheduled); "None"...
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  1613 Hits
1613 Hits

Asset Description in Work Order Lists

Asset description is not available in operational work order lists (Work Order | Open | WO Lists) for efficiency. In the coming release of R2022e asset description is available in work order report lists (Work Order | Report | WO Lists). For instance, the screenshot below shows asset description in "All WO (Time Requested)" report. A...
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  1785 Hits
1785 Hits

Badges for New Work Orders and Service Requests

 Badges are introduced for new work orders and service requests in the coming release of R2022e for Q4 2022. The badges provide a quick glimpse of new work orders and service requests in Calem.The number of work orders of status "New" is shown as a badge.The number of service requests of status "New" is shown as a badge.If the n...
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  1986 Hits
1986 Hits

How to Enable "Review Required" for Work Orders

The checkbox "Review Required" in work orders may require a user to "Accept" or "Reject" a work order after completion before it can be closed. It is a good practice to review a completed work order. A work order of "Accepted" status will be closed by Calem automatically after 48 hours, saving time in closing work orde...
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  2093 Hits
2093 Hits

When to Close Work Orders without Acceptance

Acceptance is a step in the life-cycle of work orders for a customer or supervisor to accept work completed. For instance, a repair work order is accepted by an operations manager; a PM work order is accepted by a maintenance supervisor. Use the following chart to determine if there are too many work orders to be accepted:  Dashboard | Summary...
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  1956 Hits
1956 Hits