Clay's Blog

These are the official blogs about CalemEAM.

A KPI for Maintenance Mix Improvement

This KPI provides the composition of maintenance work in terms of work order categories including preventive, predictive and corrective. It allows an organization to set up a goal of maintenance work mix and measure the outcome. For instance, a composition goal may be over 2/3 work orders for preventive and predictive, and less than ...
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  698 Hits
698 Hits

Maintenance KPIs by Assets and Locations

The Work Order (WO) Monthly KPI by assets or locations was added in R2023d (August 2023). The feature of a KPI by assets or locations will be extended to the "Summary" and "Asset" Tabs of the Dashboard Module in the coming release of R2024 (February 2024). The "Assets" menu can be launched to select a set of assets or ...
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  1386 Hits
1386 Hits

A KPI for Purchase Orders and Budgets

A new KPI for purchase orders (POs) and budgets is available in the coming release of R2024 in February 2024. It provides an insightful look into the total spending versus the budgets.  Click "List" menu to drill down to items purchased.  2. Multi-Site KPI The dashboard supports site by site comparison. Click "Multi-Site KPI" menu to...
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  1150 Hits
1150 Hits

WO Monthly KPIs for the Past 13 Months

Work Order Monthly KPIs for the past 13 months will be available in the coming release of R2024 . It delivers more insights than the KPIs for the 12 months of the current year. The first screenshot is the monthly charts for the past 13 months. The next screenshot is for the current year. This feature may be extended to...
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  1052 Hits
1052 Hits

Enhancement to Work Order KPIs by Specialty

The WO KPI by specialty is enhanced with category set filtering in the coming release of R2023f (December 2023). It allows one to show the WO KPI by specialty for corrective work orders. The WO KPIs by specialty are calculated for year and month.Click "Categories" to select a WO category set to show the count by specialty. For instan...
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  1139 Hits
1139 Hits

WO Monthly KPI by Assets or Locations

WO Monthly KPIs can be reported by assets or locations in the coming release of R2023d (August 2023).  The "Assets" menu shows a screen to select an asset set or a location set.An asset set is a collection of assets, a location set is a collection of locations.The WO Monthly KPI is recalculated for the asset set or location set selected. ...
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  1439 Hits
1439 Hits

Instant Dashboards and Home Pages

Charts in dashboard and home pages are great excepting that it might take a little to show them depending on your data set sizes. Cache is used to make them shown instantly most of the time. A chart is calculated and cached if it is not present or expired.A cached chart expires after a period of time (up to several hours).A...
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  2360 Hits
2360 Hits

What Was Done in Last Shift from Calem Mobile

Dashboard has been added to the Calem Mobile in the coming release of Calem R2022d in August 2022. It addressed a question often asked in the field: What was done in the last shift?The dashboard includes KPIs and work order log book.  1. Dashboard The dashboard includes the following KPIs. The default period is last 1 day (from the s...
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  1743 Hits
1743 Hits

How to Visualize Item Consumption Monthly

Monthly consumption for an individual item can be visualized in release R2022a of March 2022. It is based on the inventory KPI charts. Menu: Dashboard | Inventory Tab | Checkout Bar ChartClick Dashboard (1) to view Dashboard moduleClick "Inventory" Tab for inventory KPIs Click "Options" (2) in the chart above to set an individual item to show ...
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  2096 Hits
2096 Hits

How to Manage Maintenance Budgets in Calem

The KPIs of maintenance budgets have been added in Calem R2022a in March, 2022. A maintenance budget includes parts and services used in maintenance operations. The maintenance KPIs are shown as line charts of actual and budgeted cost. Menu: Dashboard | Inventory Tab | Actual/BudgetedThe line in purple shows the monthly budgetsT...
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  2028 Hits
2028 Hits

Multi-Site KPIs for Inventory

Multi-Site inventory KPIs are available in release R2022. They are accessible from the inventory KPIs in the "Inventory" tab of the dashboard. The multi-site KPIs are launched from summary inventory KPIs.A summary inventory KPI is based on all the site data accessible to the login user's profile.The "Multi-Site" menu icon launches the multi-si...
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  2981 Hits
2981 Hits

How to Enforce Inspection before PO Receiving

Part inspection prior to receiving a PO is a process introduced in release R2022. The process allows one to enforce inspection before receiving a PO. For organizations that render payment when parts are received to inventory, this process adds a level of payment control. 1. Inspection Flag Inspection flag indicating the requirement of inspection fo...
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  2329 Hits
2329 Hits

A Review of Work Order Summary KPIs

Work Order summary KPIs have been retooled with new charts along with list views in Calem R21f release.   "Year" menu allows one to pick a year to do the chart through a calendar lookup."Categories" menu allows one to drill down into sets of work orders based on their categories such as Responsive (corrective), Preventive, etc."List"...
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  2601 Hits
2601 Hits

WO Plan and Schedule KPIs

A new set of KPIs is available for the work order planning and scheduling in Calem R21f released in December 2021. This blog walks through the KPIs and tips to use them. The KPIs are available in the "WO P&S" Tab of the Dashboard module."Dates" menu allows one to specify a reporting period.All the dashlets in this tab will be re-calcu...
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  2455 Hits
2455 Hits

How to Report Work Orders and PMs Due

​In the coming release of R20c in June 2020, one can easily find out the due and past-due work orders and PMs from the Dashboard (highlighted in the screenshot below). Click a row to drill down to a form of tabs. Each tab is a list of PM work orders, Other (Non-PM) work orders, or PMs. Click "Export" button to export to excel for reporting purpose....
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  4934 Hits
4934 Hits