Clay's Blog

These are the official blogs about CalemEAM.

Enabling Inventory Stores to Receive Transfer-In Items

Inventory stores can be configured to receive transfer-in items in the coming release of Calem R2025. For instance, transfer-in items should be received to general stores, not project or repaired stores.This is done by setting the category set of Transfer-In stores (screenshot below).Category sets of inventory stores can be managed in Admin | ...
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  269 Hits
269 Hits

A Revisit of Inventory Transfer and Disposal

Inventory transfer was introduced in release R2022a (March 2022). It has gone through updates based on feedbacks from customers. The latest update is available in R2024f (December 2024). The process is more efficient for end users.Barcode scan is integrated for Calem Mobile.One or more items are allowed to be transferred to other sites or...
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  629 Hits
629 Hits

Tracking Safety Parts in Checkout

Tracking safety parts in checkout is available in the coming release of R2024d (August 2024). A safety part is a part flagged for safety purpose. Tracking numbers are serial or lot numbers that may be used to track parts. Calem provides serialized inventory and lot management. They may be selected for tracking safety parts by se...
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  1214 Hits
1214 Hits

Inventory Analysis in R2024b

Inventory Analysis is a new set of reports for items purchased and used. It is available in release R2024b release (June 2024). The reports help answer questions like "How much I have spent on outside services for a period of time?", and "What items have been used for a period of time?".  Menu path: Analysis | Inventory AnalysisThey ...
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  1780 Hits
1780 Hits

Enhancements to Part Repair Processes

This blog covers enhancements to part repair processes covered in a previous blog. This iteration of the enhancements makes the repair process easier to manage. 1. Create a Part Repair WO There are two ways to create a part repair work order. Menu: Inventory | Transactions | Create Repair WO (Checkout). A part is checked out from stock, and a ...
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  2776 Hits
2776 Hits

How to Transfer and Dispose Inventory

This is the original blog about transfer and disposal.  See this blog for the latest update.See this blog for simplified processes for transfer and disposal.  Inventory transfer is introduced in release R2022a (March 2022). It allows one to transfer parts from one site to another. There are three steps to execute a par...
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When to use Transient Storerooms

Transient storerooms are introduced in the coming release of Calem R2022. Parts stored in the transient storerooms cannot be checked out for use. A transient storeroom has its restriction attributes of value "Transient". For instance, a storeroom is created in the screenshot below to hold parts to be disposed.Parts can be moved into ...
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How to Set up Storerooms for Repaired Parts

Storerooms dedicated for repaired parts have been introduced in Calem R21f. This feature allows storerooms to be set up for new parts and repaired parts. 1. Storeroom and Bin for Repair The first step is to setup a storeroom for repair. Menu path: Inventory | Open | Store listCreate, or edit a storeroom and set its restriction to "Repaired" fo...
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3216 Hits

Tips on Inventory Transaction Time

​Inventory transaction time is hidden in the transaction screen in Calem Release R21f. It simplifies the transaction forms and allows the server to set a transaction time to be the current time when a transaction is performed in the server. For instance, the checkout form does not have transaction time field. For customers who n...
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  2835 Hits
2835 Hits

How to Return Parts to a Bin in Storeroom

​The return transaction in the Inventory module is used to re-stock parts checked out previously. A part may be checked out for consumption in a work order, or for repair. A new bin location may be selected when returning a spare part. Menu path: Inventory module | Transactions | Return to StoreroomSelect an inventory item by lookup, or manual...
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  3624 Hits
3624 Hits

What Part Repair Processes to Choose in Calem

Part repair processes allow organizations to manage inventory stock and track repair cost. Calem provides the following repair processes. Repair Process Note 1.  Asset Off-Site Repair Repairable parts are managed as assets.Repair processes are managed from warehouseAll repairs are done byoff-site vendors. 2. Non-AssetInternal and Off...
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  4707 Hits
4707 Hits

How to Move Inventory from a Phone

​Moving an inventory item is available in Calem Touch. Here're the screen flows to move an inventory item from a phone. The same can be achieved from a tablet or desktop. The barcode module is also available from Calem Ajax Web.The same screen flows are supported. 1. Install Calem Touch  The first step is to install Calem Touch in your ph...
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  3449 Hits
3449 Hits

A Revisit of Inventory Valuation

There are changes in inventory valuation in the coming release of Calem R2021. The new process allows you to report inventory valuation by the following menu items: 1. Get the current inventory valuation: Menu path: Inventory | Report | Site Inventory Valuation by Avg Price 2. Get a valuation report at a previous date: Menu...
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  3840 Hits
3840 Hits

How to Generate Inventory Checkout Report

This blog describes the steps to run inventory checkout report for a given period. The first step is to select date range to run the report: Menu path: Inventory | Report | Transaction/Valuation Select Transaction in the dropdown and set the date range to reportLeave "Site" field blank to report on all sites accessible to the login userClick "...
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  3926 Hits
3926 Hits

How to Freeze Inventory Transactions

​Freezing inventory transaction is available in release R20e of October 2020. This feature allows financial teams to prepare reports while placing inventory transactions on hold. Inventory transactions are not allowed, and error messages are shown when transactions matching a freezing rule are executed. Menu path: Admin | Data Design | Tr...
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  4503 Hits
4503 Hits

How to Select Bins when Receiving All for a PO

A bin selection screen is available in Calem R20e (October 2020 release) when receiving all items for a PO. Calem uses the following process to calculate bins to receive for a PO line: The bins are pre-filled by Calem based on current stock and transaction history.The bins are left blank for PO lines that do not have stock, and there are no history...
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  4287 Hits
4287 Hits

Enhancements to Inventory Module in R20c

​Enhancements have been made in the inventory module for the coming release of R20c based on customer feedback. They enable better productivity for end-users. 1. History of Bins in Receiving Parts When receiving parts to stock Calem will display current bin used for the receiving item if there is stock. Otherwise, one has to use "Pick Oth...
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  5407 Hits
5407 Hits

How to Barcode with Your Phone/Pad in Calem?

You can use barcode in Calem inventory, asset and work orders. You will need the following to get started with barcode: Your iPad/iPhone, or Android Phone or TabletsInstall Calem Touch to your pad or phonesHave a label printer or have existing barcode labels. 1. Barcode Setup The diagram below shows the steps to implement barcode in Calem. The hard...
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  6434 Hits
6434 Hits

How to Report Asset Part Usage

The asset part usage report is available in the coming release R2020 of Calem Enterprise. The report is based on inventory checkout transactions: Checkout to work order assets Checkout to assets directly Parts returned from the checkout transactions are excluded The menu path is: Asset | Report | Asset Part Usage. If the menu does no...
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  5104 Hits
5104 Hits

How to Receive Services in Calem

​Services are provided by vendors. For instance, the installation of a new HVAC system is a service. Services can be received like parts in the coming release of R2019d and issued to work orders. This blog walks through steps to receive and charge services in Calem. Step 1. Service Item The first step is to create a service item...
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5674 Hits