Services are provided by vendors. For instance, the installation of a new HVAC system is a service. Services can be received like parts in the coming release of R2019d and issued to work orders. This blog walks through steps to receive and charge services in Calem.
Step 1. Service Item
The first step is to create a service item with lot-priced. The category "Service" represents a service item. The "Lot-Priced" flag indicates that a service item is charged by its receiving price.
Step 2. Create Requisition and PO
Create a requisition and add a service item.
Have the requisition approved and turned into a PO.
Step 3. Receive and Charge the Service
Have the PO approved and service performed. Receive the service and charge to work orders.
Receive and charge to a work order.
A bin selection screen is prompted. Pick a bin to complete the transaction.
That is all to use services in Calem. In addition to service items other items include: a) Part; b) Tool; c) Off-Site Repair; and d) Other. See Inventory Training below to learn more about the inventory module in Calem.
Additional Resources
By accepting you will be accessing a service provided by a third-party external to