Signatures may be mandated when completing work order checklists in the coming release of R2023f.
1. Mandate Signatures in PM Safety/Steps
Signatures may be mandated in PM safety and steps so they are carried over to work orders (when PMs are generated into work orders).
2. Mandate Signatures in Boilerplates
If boilerplate PM Plans are used for safety or steps, mandating signatures in boilerplates is efficient in managing signature requirements.
3. Mandate Signatures by System Configuration
It is possible to mandate signatures for every safety or step through system configuration. This option may be evaluated per business requirements. Add the following configuration to calem.custom.php to mandate signature for every safety or step.
//Mandate signature when completing a safety $_CALEM_dist['wo_conf']['sig_reqd_safety']= true; //Mandate signature when completing a step $_CALEM_dist['wo_conf']['sig_reqd_step']= true;
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