WO life-cycle can be viewed from different detail levels.
2. WO Stage
WO Stage is at the middle level. It enables one to better manage work orders through submission, approval, planning/scheduling, execution and closure.
Work Order Task View shows work orders by its stages and simplifies work order management.
3. WO Status
WO status is the most detailed indicator of work order life-cycles. It drives both state and stage.
Here's the WO status catalog:
Administrators can configure life-cycle status access control so users can only transition WOs to statuses allowed. For instance, field service technicians might not approve, disapprove, accept or cancel work orders. See Calem Enterprise Admin Guide for details.
Administrators can also define life-cycle status transitional graph based on business requirements. For instance, WOs that are canceled can only be transitioned to New to be reinstated, no other transitions are allowed. See Calem Enterprise Admin Guide for details.
4. Work Order Review Requirement
There are cases work orders must be reviewed (accepted or rejected) after being completed. These work orders cannot be closed without being accepted (or rejected). For example, there are types of work orders that once completed need to be reviewed to assess maintenance strategies or environmental requirements. You can use this feature to enforce a review (reject/accept) before someone can close such work orders.
You can enforce a work order review by setting "Review reqd?" field. The flag can also be set in PMs which carry over to work orders during work order generation. The flag can also be set in PM Plans which is copied over to PMs when creating PMs from a PM Plan.
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