By Clay Li on Tuesday, 28 November 2017
Category: Tutorial

Login User Setup

​Users can be added to Calem through data entry forms, upload from excel files, import from LDAP servers, or auto-creation via email service requests. One can create as many users in Calem as needed. However, login users require license seats and profile configuration. 

In this blog I will cover the steps to set up users to log into Calem. User entry forms are used to create users.

Step 1. Create User

The first step is to create a user in Calem. Here are the menu paths to create users:

The following data must be configured for a user - see screenshot below.

1.2 Upload Users

Users can be uploaded from an excel file. The menu path is: Integration | Data Upload. Here is the excel template file to use to populate users and upload to Calem.

Step 2. ACL Profile

Next, an ACL profile must be assigned to a login user. An ACL profile defines the access rights including modules, screens and sites. Set up ACL profiles based on job roles and sites in your organization. There are a few menu paths to assign ACL profiles:

You may assign more than one ACL profile to a user if needed. Otherwise, keep it simple for technical users so that each user has just one ACL profile. Administrator users could have more than one ACL profile so they can log in with different ACL profiles. For instance, a technician may perform maintenance at SiteA and SiteB. When the technician is at SiteA, you want to show the work orders of SiteA only. The same for SiteB. This can be achieved by assigning two profiles (one for SiteA and another for SiteB) to the technician. The technician just log into one of the ACl profiles depending on the site being visited.

Step 3. License Seat Assignment

Finally a login user must have a license seat to log into Calem. This step is necessary for customers with fixed license seats. This step can be skipped if you have only floating user license seats. 

 Step 4. Password Recovery

A user may need to recover or reset own password if the password is forgotten or the user account is blocked if a user failed to login several times in a row (default is 4). At the login screen, click "Forgot your password?".

Step 5. Reset Password by Admin

Admin users with access to Organization module can reset passwords for other users.

 Step 6. Reset Password by Login User

A user can reset own password by clicking the "My account" at login desktop. The user record of the login user is shown. Click "Edit" to edit the password.

 Step 7. Trouble-Shoot Login Issues

Step 8. Inactive Users

The User List (Organization | ACL Profiles ​| User List) shows active users by default. Use "Show Inactive" menu to include inactive users in the list.

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