By Clay Li on Tuesday, 11 July 2017
Category: Feature

Add Search Box to a Detail List

​A detail list is a list view in a master-detail form. For example, the requisition form has a detail list of items to be purchased. There are cases a detail list may have hundreds of records. Fortunately, you can add a search box to any detail list in Calem when needs arise.  I will use the requisition form as an example to demonstrate it.

The first step is to select a group to customize for. You may refresh your form design skills by reviewing "User Interface Customization" in Calem Enterprise Admin Guide. The screenshot below is to customize "Custom system" group, the default root group. Use this group if you like to customize for all users.

Next, open requisition screen to customize.

​Click "Customize" button to customize the item list view:

The item list view now has a quick search box.  

The search box allows you to search all text fields in the item list. Lookup fields are not searched by default. The following configuration adds item number to the search list (in your Calem_Home/client/conf/CmConf.custom.js). See Admin Guide for more information about search box configuration.


​That is all about adding the search box to a detail list. A quick note about implementation: